
Name: Alex Lin Kaiyang [Alex is unofficial]
Age: Almost 18 YEAH BABEH!
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You know what's bad?
You know what's really bad?
Barely passing Terms with the knowledge that you could have gotten good marks for Terms.
You know what's horribgibly, gastranomically, terrifyingly bad?
That Terms are ending.
Because what's more fun than coming home after hours in an air-conditioned room, slumping in your chair and blasting infected denizens of Pensylvania until dinner beckons, then blasting Russians with a wireless controller and funny dialogues, not caring at all about having to do homework because you have none?
Oh, oh I know!
What's more fun is that Terms are ending tomorrow.

-1.41p.m, 1-7-09

+ + +

You know what's really, really, really boring?
Me neither.
All I know is that it's really useless playing an electric guitar alone, without a band. There's no point. And even if I do feel like, I can't think of any song to practice to. It's the reason I switched to acoustic, always preferred acoustic. But the problem with acoustic is that its horribly boring, you're always playing chords.

-9.15p.m, 25-6-09

+ + +

If a boy falls down in the woods and the girl he's deeply in love with doesn't hear it, did he make a sound--and more important, would she have given two shits if she had heard him?
Apparently not.

A tragic love story, like Romeo and Juliet, except Juliet, instead of offing herself, falls in love with another man and Romeo is left to die, alone in the woods. That is the life Albert Kim leads during the summer and fall in this desperately funny novel, which captures the agony, the mania, the kicking and screaming that define teenage existence.

"We're something."

Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before - David Yoo

I really want to reread 24 Girls in 7 Days now, too, after having gone through this book.

-8.57p.m, 25-6-09

+ + +

Today is probably the 'blurrest' day of my life.

It started out fine, waking up at my usual time, 7am, then falling back into a laziness-induced 1/2 hour nap while my water heats. Oh that boring stuff was all fine. It's what happens next.
So today I planned to go out, reaching my destination(KAP) at 11. I looked at the time, noticed the digits '9.50' and had no reaction, although I realized that I should probably be leaving my house. 20 minutes later, panick struck.
And then the buses. Oh dear god the busses. I let one pass me, even after registering it as a bus that I had to take to reach KAP, with ample time still before it reached the stop. And then I got off one stop late, thus having to walk another 10 minutes under the scorching afternoon sky. And then I still had to change buses.
The rest of the day was rather usual, not as retardedly stoned as before, although I did notice myself acting like I was spaced out (not deep in thought) from an apparent lack of sleep, food or a life (the first two are impossible, the last debatable). A few horribly rust pool games and L4D vs matches later (which I attribute to my stoned-ness as well), I'm on a bus home. Busy with TVMobile, I glance out, notice my surroundings and shrug it off. Seven seconds later, I hear the bell, look out, and realise I have once again missed my stop. Its a good long 20 minutes before I reach another stop that belongs to the path I take to reach my home.
And after dinner, I drop my cup. Which is nestled comfortably in my left hand. I just drop it. Like, I'm holding it, and I let go. I don't know why, but I know for sure it's not suicidal tendencies.
Right now I have headache and I realise how uninteresting this post is.
I probably won't take it down.
I also think buses hate me, although I have been a very loyal consumer of their service for the whole of my life (save before I could walk).
Oh. And I think cups hate me too.

-10.02p.m, 23-6-09

+ + +

We had a great time.
Joking and striking, sparing, guttering.
Having fried fish and fries.
Knocking coloured balls into six seperate holes.
Shooting mutated victims of a pandemic with trusty firearms and dying more times than I ever could playing alone.
And blasting each other afterwards.
We had a great time.

-6.56p.m, 18-6-09

+ + +

And I can safely say we did a pretty damned good job.

-9.29 p.m, 15-6-09

+ + +

Why is it that I always seem to have friendly relations with the underdogs, the targets of gossip, the victims of bullying, the ones whom many dislike? Well, I do partake once in a while in the gossip, and even less of in bullying, but I can cofidently say I like those people as friends and that forementioned activities are teasing on my part (not so much teasing on the part of the others).
In Primary 6, the boys in my class would gang up on this guy. Laugh at him, joke about him, question his sexuality with references to a purple barney t-shirt, sometimes beat him up. I basically made sure he didn't hate school life as much.
Secondary 1-2, two targets in my class. Same thing, although only one got the homosexual stereotypes placed on him. The other became a bastard child, a bitch. And on my part, same thing.
Secondary 3-4, again. Two people, both victims, and I became their friend.
And now, in ACJC, I find myself in this same situation again. But at least I'm not alone in one of the two cases.
But I think what puzzles me most is that I hang out with this people, and I'm not seen by others as sidekicks, companions, or a friend. They treat me as they would normally, and the victim as they would normally. Both "normally's" are worlds apart in meaning. Heck, I'm even friends with the gossippers and bulliers.
I guess I should count myself lucky, I've never been bullied, and when it came close to, I showed him who's able to take care of himself. Or maybe its because of my face. I've been told many times how much of a gangster I look like. Or a stoned druggie, ready to blow at any time. That's kinda scary too.

-8.18 a.m, 12-6-09

+ + +

I'm still an SJI boy at heart.
In that sense I don't mean I miss it, and wish I was still there.
No, far from it.
What I mean is, I am still behaving like I am IN SJI, rather than as an AC student.
And oh, there is a great difference.

-10.16 a.m, 10-6-09

+ + +

My most frequented activity the past week is sighing.
I don't know why.
All i know is, my head's clouded with something, my eyes are forever blank, cold and lifeless, and i am just going through the motions.
A little thing called boredom, a big problem but not the root of my sighing addiction, is poking at me as well.

-11.20, 6-6-08

+ + +

Disappointed in two ways, after the concert.
No offense to any, but still.
And met a good friend today, chatted a little.
Worried for him, and his family, in fiscal matters.

-11.58p.m, 4-6-09

+ + +

Holidays = me waking up at 6.30am everyday anyway, and moaning about how there's a lack of anything to do, finally heading over to the holiday assignments and reluctantly finishing them one at a time, while listening to music on the computer and waiting for somebody, anybody, to ring me up or send a message.

Till then, chem.

I wouldn't give everything to be with you.
Because you are everything I want.

+ + +