
Name: Alex Lin Kaiyang [Alex is unofficial]
Age: Almost 18 YEAH BABEH!
Likes: Too much
Dislikes: Too much more

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Feel terrible.
Lost phone.
Tomorrow's Monday.
Chinese test.
A-maths test.
Very bored.
Very tired.
Splitting headaches.

And ever so thirsty for god-knows-what.
Something I can't get anyway, that's for sure.

Kai posted at 9.38 p.m, 29-4-07

+ + +

I cannot understand why people argue when their own logic backfires.
And then still make complete idiots of themselves when they argue.

A very good example (remember, anonymity):
Guy:"Hey A, why does everyone call you B?"
Me: "Aren't you part of everybody?"
Guy: "Yea but I called him A, I'm asking why everybody calls him B"

Dumbass. Granted, I argue when people see flaws in my logic, but at least I make very sure that loopholes are not easily seen, and not as obvious as stated above. And I don't make myself look even stupider as stated above again.


He's an idiot. He's an idiot. Idiots do stuff like that. They're dumb.


At least now I am away from him. Not very far. But far enough.
Time to stop being a hypocrite.
Time to stop being what I hate.
Time to stop.

Kai posted at 9.47 p.m, 28-4-07

+ + +

Finally. An electric guitar! Yes now I can sound...better?
Dam right.

I got it yesterday, after my guitar class. And now I am really grateful to my parents, for not minding loud noises. =D

Apart from this, I also found out that I like to use the Warcraft 3 World Editor. A lot. I've made 4 maps already, obviously extremely basic ones, and most are 1 player maps. I've actually managed to amaze myself, although the maps aren't really good, once the people see the programming inside, they would all be in awe, if their heads hadn't already exploded. Not saying everybody would find it something to marvel at. There might be others who are wayyy better, of course.

Emo 101 courses.
Heh. april 19.
Check it out, have a good laugh, and then forget all about it.
By the way, that's my brother.

Kai posted at 4.48 p.m, 22-4-07

+ + +

Lucky me , that people forget. No, they don't forgive. Because all of those idiots forget first.

But I guess that's good enough, if something is rubbed out of their minds forever. At least, then, I won't have to worry. About them, anyway.

Again, anonymity.

So...why do people have to make such a big fuss about another's character.
Seeing him standing there, letting others make a fool of himself, while he endures it all. Ironically they mock him because this.

Basically it's crap. Big, big crap.

All of you idiots who will probably never read this, because of insolence corrupting your single-digit IQ minds. Learn to live.
Sound like a fool for that previous sentence, but heck. It's gotten stuff off me.

Kai posted at 5.23 p.m, 17-4-07

+ + +

It's great to know that sometimes, people appreciate you. Even if it is just sometimes.

Anonymity is what I like to give other people, and I shall give it again here. It's been so long before he has finally seen what lies before him, what is right in front of his eyes, and close to his heart. Deep in his mind. It's those who are ready to make sacrifices for him.

Of course, I haven't been making a lot of sacrifices, and this inability to do so is mostly due to the distance between two parties, literally (for the distance, figuratively for the parties) and somewhat to the lack of maturity I hold.

Even though I wasn't mentioned in his thanking list, I don't mind. I know I am one of the faces amongst the crowd he just found around the corner, after walking a seemingly endless road. One among the crowd, the crowd that is cheering him on, the crowd that made him see, it was just a marathon, not a nightmare.

And he no longer trudges along the cold, hard sidewalk. Now he runs, and every step he takes lights up his way, making it even brighter, making everything so cold feel warm.

Meanwhile, one of the faces of the supporters looks up at him. He just looked in a mirror.

I just felt like I wrote a story instead of something meant to be real, in imagination.

Kai posted at 6.25 p.m, 12-4-07

+ + +

3 posts in a day! Official record.

I don't know why, I just felt like I had to type out a list.

Nicknames I have ever gone by.
1) FrozenFire
2) Kai
3) XxSniperZeroxX
4) Acolyte_Zero
5) -Cross-
6) Blazestorm
7) Blaze
8) ShadowStrike
9) Agkelos Evlogia

Most of these names are from MMORPGs. FrozenFire was from Renewal. Ragnarok Online created the names XxSniperZeroxX, Acolyte-Zero and -Cross-. World of Warcraft molded the names Blazestorm and Blaze. Of course, Kai is part of my actual name, Kaiyang. ShadowStrike came about when I was drawing stick comics, a hobby I rarely commit any of my energies to now. And Agkelos Evlogia, a direct Greek translation for "Angel of Blessing", came about out of my interest for the Greek language, and the fact that I used this name for a computer science project.

Because now, I don't know which one to go by. Currently I'm going by "Blaze/Kai". About 2 months ago I used "-Cross-". I used "ShadowStrike" for about two days some time last October. "Acolyte_Zero" is my email address. "XxSniperZeroxX" was almost immortalised in the guild Angel Of Death as the most calculative and technical hunter. "FrozenFire" was split up into "Frozen" and "Inferno", which have both appeared for a period of time, following "Blaze/Kai". And "Agkelos Evlogia" have also been in the same position as "Frozen" and "Inferno", and has constantly found itself being formed out of pencil on paper. "Kai" has appeared on every single post on this blog.

I have numerous nicknames to go by (9 is a lot, trust me), but the strangest thing is, my real name has the name I have been answering to for the past 3 years. It sucks. Honestly.
Sometimes, alter-egos are fun.

Says everybody I ever was, and ever will be.
FrozenFire, Kai, XxSniperZeroxX, Acolyte_Zero, -Cross-, Blazestorm, Blaze, ShadowStrike, and Agkelos Evlogia.
Posted at 11.50 p.m, 7-4-07

+ + +

Here are the rules:

Each person who gets tagged needs to write an entry of their idiosyncrasies as well as clearly state this rule. After you state your six weirdness, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list the names at the bottom of your blog.Don't forget to leave a comment 'You're tagged' and tell them to read your blog for more info.

6 weird things :

1. Most importantly, I have a strong need to always, always, be equal to all parts of my body. An example would be pain caused to, say, my left shoulder. Right shoulder must feel it too, or I'll be crazily uncomfortable.
2. I hate having no privacy, but love invading others.
3. I live by the motto of "simplicity", but my writing is relatively bombastic, or at the very least a tad bit difficult to understand without rereading it at least once.
4. I have a uncanny attraction to chain mails, this included.
5. I don't believe that fate controls life, but I never do anything to try and change it.
6. I don't feel emotions for anything big, eg; crying when a pet died, happy when I met success, nervous when dealing with a crush, angry when someone purposely makes me look very very very very bad, but I can't control myself with tiny little things; I get mad when someone tells a white lie, I felt so touched when I watched Happy Feet.

Last one is long. Whatever. I am gonna stop this chain here. No tags.

Kai posted at 8.04 p.m, 7-4-07

+ + +

In repsonse to the tag on the tagboard.


Kai posted at 2.31 p.m, 7-4-07

+ + +

Good Friday.
A nice holiday at on Friday, that got rid of a very horrible aspect of my life temporary. And I'm repaying it by sitting in front the computer almost the whole day, doing absolutely nothing at all.
I feel horrible.

Even though I'm not religious, I am still an agnostic. And I feel guilty by not even thanking Him/Her/It today, of all days. Furthermore, coming from a catholic school? Seriously...

But I guess, by adressing this issue. I am forgiven. Partly. Adressing is one thing. Taking action is another.
I love how I can make myself guilty and then perfectly fine two seconds later.
And I hate how I make myself guilty a second later, yet again.
Apparently it's not just my mind that's indecisive. Emotions are crap. Well some are.

Now for the significantly irrelevant shit.
I can say my guitar skills have improved drastically, compared to when I first picked it up back in December 2007.
I'm not as friendless as I thought. I got 8 friends on my friendster, while my friend betted with me that I would only get 5. Too bad no cash involved.
W3 is getting boring.
But everyday is getting, suprisingly, less monotonous. And I suppose that's good.

Kai posted at 8.00 p.m, 6-4-07

+ + +

Bullshit. Only 3 people in my class have blogs. Bull. Shit.

Anyway. This week there is no training. 'Coz of Good Friday.
Today I got soap in my eye and nostril. Freak accidents. It hurts when I breathe.
This hour I just played the W3 expansion campaign and found it fun, contrary to popular belief.
This minute I just lived in fear of typing something out and decided not to.
This second the first phrase I heard in a song was " walked right through the door ". Too bad the door in my room is closed.

And now some of you may be asking yourselves "Why did he just type all that shit up there?"
Let me tell you first and foremost. Don't ask yourselves. Ask me.
And the reason I typed all that shit up there is because I just happened to wonder to myself why I had no time to do homework. I decided to see what I did in the past week/day/hour/minute/second. Nothing useful is the biggest piece of crap in my timetable right now.
Granted no training is looking into the future.

Procrastination for a certain little thing called work. It rules.

For now.

Kai posted at 6.35 p.m, 3-4-07

+ + +