In the midst of exams.
This picture is pretty self-exaplanatory of the currennt situation.

Like a roller coaster, only so much more boring.
No loop-de-loops. Imagine if by editing this picture of a graph, I could edit the whole dam world of maths too.
Hey hey...
Kai posted at 3.45 p.m, 29-9-07
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And the crowd went,
Kai posted at 3.14 p.m, 27-09-07
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God. Pissed. Very pissed.
At that liar and more importantly a bastard. But then, he's a fight till the end. Of course when it's something this mild and plays such a small part in the grand scheme of life, it's easy to fight till the end. Face of an entire army. Would you still fight till the end?
I'm guessing 99.5% of the population wouldn't.
Not saying I would, not saying I wouldn't.
Wait and see.
Still pissed off at that idiotic lie. And that some other guy lost my damn calculator a couple of days before the damned mathemathics examination. And claims he never even took my calculator in the first place.
Exams coming soon, like any other school in Singapore.
Have to catch up on
- A-maths
- History/Social Studies
- Chemistry
- Chinese
That's half of my subjects.
What the hell am I still doing here?
Kai posted at 4.09 p.m, 24-9-07
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I just got lost in my own neighbourhood because I decided to take a new route home and not walk past CHIJ-SNGS.
I promised myself I would bathe first. So much for earning my own trust.
So much for anything.
Final Year in 1 and a half weeks. Need to study. Get up, above the rest of my class. I need to get back into top 5 again. I hope Chinese doesn't pull me down, like it always does. I always does that. I hate it when it does that. I hate it.
In fact. I hate exams. The MoE doesn't, however. So that means I get pretty much screwed because of MoE.
Kai posted at 2.55 p.m, 12-9-07
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