I think this is the first time I have posted two posts in 1 day. Anyway. Friendster is officially up and running, search for it. email: acolyte_zero@hotmail.com =D Kai posted at 10.11 p.m, 30-3-07. Bored. Who would've thought 2 days away from school could be so...draining. Most of it is attributed to the fact that I know I have to finish my weekend homework during the weekdays since I didn't go on Thursday and Friday. Yea. Piles, in 1 day. Next is the biology SPA(school-based practical exam). I know the experiment, what it is and all, so I should'nt feel nervous right? Nope. I have to take it. Myself. A dam lot less room for error, since the teachers will only be watching me. And me alone. =/ Horrible sometimes ain't it. Oh well. Need to practice conversation more. Or I'm dead. Sickeningly Sweet. Kai posted at 3.06 p.m, 30-3-07 I am sick. And I got a MC for 2 days, thursday and friday, coz of a huge lump on my back, that started since sunday but which i paid no attention to at all until yesterday. Oh, and nice pains at the hips accompanying the lump. I think I'm gonna have too much time on my hands the next two days. Not that it's a problem. Time to finish that overdue homework. And maybe, probably, I might d o something very dumb. I feel like it right now. =D Someone told me this should be more amusing, if I want more people to come and see this. I think that everyone is looking at this and they are so awed by my great Engrand Skrills that they don't know what to say on the tag board. I, of course, might be wrong. Let me live in idealism. I'm a sick man. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I ust looked in my fridge. Shit. I don't know what scares me more. The fact that my friend almost gave me a concussion or the same friend's idiotic blindess. It's bad enough he tried to push down my chair by leaning on it when I was on two legs leaning back. It's worse when I almost fall. It's at its peak of stupidity when he say he "didn't see you leaning back". I mean, come on. Didn't see me leaning back? How? And when my chair is like this? ![]() Anyway. I've been sent to perform at 3 seperate, yet consecutive campfires. They are: Cresent Girls, Raffles Girls and St. Nick's. If anyone are in these schools (unlikely) and see this (unlikely - er), please make my life easy and try to appreaciate whatever little talent shown at the performance (unlikely - est). Oh I just said something I promised myself 2 months I wouldn't say. Nevermind. Never was strong-willed. Kai posted at 9.32 p.m, 23-3-07 Who can I help? Dunno. Looks like no one. Once again my limited knowledge and abundant apathy has made me disappoint. Sorry to those who have felt their hopes in me being crushed like......a crunchy biscuit. Erm...probably not the best metaphor. Oh well. At 9.18, I just told showed that again. Question: "Why isn't the last one moving?" Response: "Hell if I know." I think today I told 10 people that phrase. "Hell if I know." And trying to act smart by saying "no" in as many different languages as possible. Bullshit. I only know 3 languages. Damn. Today I learnt "monopoly" is a contradiction. An oxymoron. Mono = single, but poly = many. =O Wow. Great Knowledge! Let's have a list of other oxymorons! 1)Monopoly 2)...... Ah screw it. Bloody hell. I know some others. But then. Who cares. Who knew you'd be there? And who'd knew that............ Damn. Heh. Try and figuire that out. Kai posted at 9.43 p.m, 19-3-07 Back from camp. Yay. Throughout the four days I earned a total of 252.80, which is... 187.20 of the target set. At least I improved continuously through the 4 days. Overall, my patrol was the second highest earner, with a huge gap of over $700. Oh well, at least we're second. I don't think we've ever been above the top 3 before. And my patrol earned 9k in total, beating the sec 4s by about....$150? $200? I forgot. While sec 1s and sec 2s got about 5k each. All in all, the camp was fun. Oh I just realised until now I haven't even said what camp it was. It's a scouts camp, for jobweek, where we go around looking for jobs and earning money. Yes. It was fun. And it was a scout camp. You read correctly. =D Kai posted at 10.29 p.m, 14-3-07 Finally school's over. Too bad I can't be too happy about it, due to the 4-day camp coming up and the pile of homework and projects that teachers assigned to us. But then, I guess I'm getting it better than my friend, who has a 6-day camp (actually 2 camps, 1 4-day and 1 2-day). He's gonna have a lot more stress than me. My term 1 results are out. And I got 8th in class. BY not studying. But I think a lot of people didn't study as well. Oh well. Top 10 is good. I think this is the first time in my seconday school life. Maybe next time, I might just decide to study...... Nah. Only for final year. Kai posted at 7.29 a.m, 9-2-07 Again. Tireeddddd... Just had a final celebration for the Chinese New Year. It was people who were my dad's friends. Sick of the noodle thingy. "Yu Sheng", I think that's what they call it. Or maybe "Yu Xian". Honestly, I forgot. The dinner was a huge variety and mix of foods from different places, mainly : Chinese + Western. All nice =D. And gambling! 9.15 to 11.00. 1 hour 45 mins of gambling, and laughing while gambling, and all that basically. I made only $1 only though. I have no idea how, I was earning so much at first. Oh well. At least I made. Yay. Well, I guess after this Chinese New Year is officially over? No? Yes? Again, I forgot. EERRMMMMMM....... Kai posted at 11.31 p.m, 3-3-2007 Just came back from my grandmother's (mom's side) birthday celebration. I couldn't really remember her age and couldn't count from the candles, cause...they totaled about 50...... Anyway. The food was great, am very full now. Yay seafood. And other stuff. =D. Too bad my brother and sister could not really enjoy it, since their diet is much less diverse than mine. Oh well, their loss. Wow. Really tired now actually. I guess it's cause I had a long day in school today. As in. Too much laughing. It's a good thing life includes jokers. And quite a number of them too. Heh. Hmmm...... "Nice from far but far from nice"...... Kai posted at 11.28 p.m, 2-3-2007 |